Even Our Exercise Needs To Be Enriched
Today more and more people in the world are getting more aware of the need to exercise. But unfortunately there are still a handful of people who are lazy to exercise and justify that there is a lack of variety in calisthenics.
To avoid boredom in body exercise some sports instructors has created new movements in exercise, among which are Jumping Lunges, Crocodile Push-Up and Knee Ups.
Some of the new movement is fairly easy to do yourself at home. The jumping lunges, for instance, can be started by you and your friends by placing your hands on your hips and placing your left leg forward and lowering yourself down so that you left leg’s thigh is parallel with the ground and so that the angle between your thigh and calf, at the knee is ninety degrees
While doing this lower your right knee to just about an inch off the ground (so that your right thigh is perpendicular to the ground).
Wait for seconds then push yourself upwards off the ground. While your body is in the air try to change your position by bringing your left leg backwards and putting your right leg forwards at the same time. You will realize that yourself is landing on this opposite stance and then you have to thrust yourself again off the ground switching legs once again and landing as you did before. The whole exercise is a continuous movement and you keep going until you have finished your specific amount of repetitions. The more you do this you will realize more how calorie-burning this exercise is.
Crocodile push-up is just a variation of the normal pushups which we all know. This variation will also target your core as well as your abs and oblique’s. To start off get into the normal pushup position then lower yourself down as you would for a normal pushup but simultaneously bringing your right knee up and to your side.
One of the improvisation can be done when you reach the bottom position of the push up. Here, ideally you have to put your right knee on your side. At the time you push yourself back up you bring your right knee back to the starting position of the exercise. After that, do another one but don’t forget to bring your left knee up. Once you have successfully done both sides you can count that as one rep. The whole exercise is a continuous movement and you keep going until you have finished your specific amount of repetitions.
Among this three, the “knee-up” exercise is the simplest one and is pretty much self explanatory. You can start it by standing normally in an upright position. You then basically run on the spot, bringing your knees as high as you can and alternating each knee. Once you have brought both knees up, that constitutes one repetition. The whole exercise is a continuous movement and you keep going until you have finished your specific amount of repetitions
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